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Unseen Therapist Guidance, Depression And Unexpected Side Effect

"...it has been nearly three weeks and [my Depression} is nowhere to be found"

Note from Gary: Karen Kelley is a diligent Member of our Near-Free

Advanced Online Training and has achieved many benefits on her journey up our Stairway to Miracles. See below.

Karen's message: Dear Gary, I continue to enjoy The Unseen Therapist and Her many aids. Here are three recent examples...

Guidance from The Unseen Therapist: You recently asked The Unseen Therapist (as per Advanced Lesson #10, The TV Guidance Channel Technique) for pointers regarding what may be behind my ongoing battle with Depression and other ailments. Of the five items that you came up with, four were right on target. I had forgotten about them and they, indeed, open more important doors for me. I realize anyone can do this (not just you) and I am learning the skill myself. This is a major time saver and a big time advantage of using The Unseen Therapist.

Depression improvement: Because of my recent work with The Unseen Therapist, my doctor advised me to drop some of my meds. I was, of course, concerned that the Depression might come back but, hooray, it has been nearly three weeks and it is nowhere to be found. In addition, I saw a Healing Touch practitioner today for the purpose of finding out the status and shape of my energy field in light of the lowered anti-depressant. In the past sometimes the energy field around my head had a lopsided, bulbous shape, indicative of Depression. Today, the field was symmetrical and "normal" around my head. This is great news! My expectation is that my doctor will advise me to drop all Depression meds and that I will be totally free of it.

Fabulous side effect - happy husband: With all the recent work I have been doing, my husband's painful feet are no longer painful for him. Most of the time we don't notice this because we don't expect it. His feet have been painful for at least 30 years every day. He has no padding on the bottom of his feet, and has Morton's neuroma between all his toes. He now walks barefoot around the house even the tile floors without the old pain. I have done no work on his issues, only my own. He asks me if I've "done something"? I have not directly worked on him. Although this can not be proven or disproven, this is a possible example of how Unseen Therapist's healings often spread beyond our expectations. In fact, I can think of no other possible explanation.

Love, Karen


e-hugs, Gary

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