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Using EFT for Procrastination


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Hi Everyone,

In this two part series EFT Master Nancy Gnecco gets behind the common problem of procrastination and gives EFT methods for collapsing it.

Hugs, Gary


By Nancy Gnecco LPC, EFT Master

Part 1

 “Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.” Napoleon Hill

       Contrary to popular opinion, procrastination is rarely caused by laziness, although it may appear so both to the procrastinator and to an outside observer.  Just as addictions have, what we call in EFT, an “anxiety driver”, so does procrastination.  On the one hand, the task may feel annoyingly inconsequential, an intrusion in our lives, forced on us by someone else or someone else’s deadline, bringing up old issues of control and difficulty with authority.  On the other hand the task may feel overwhelming. We don’t know where to start.  We may doubt our skills, our ability to complete the task, or we may have unrealistic expectations of perfection and are afraid of failure.  Sometimes fear of success can be the driver behind the procrastination, implying being that success carries with it increased expectations of responsibility and perfection.

       A client told the story of being eleven years old and having the task of cleaning out the rabbit cage, which she did in a typical, haphazard eleven year old way.  One day, wanting to please her mother, she did an exceptional job cleaning the rabbit cage, scrubbing out the tray underneath, and making sure that everything was, in her words, “perfect.”  Her mother was pleased, but after that, expected her daughter do as thorough a job each time she cleaned the rabbit cage.  It was an expectation that she didn’t want and couldn’t live up to, and her mother became repeatedly disappointed with her, telling her that the job she did wasn’t good enough. 

       The little girl internalized the belief that regardless of what she did, it wouldn’t be good enough.  This was the core issue related to her problems as an adult with procrastination.  Now, if she leaves things until the very last minute she assures herself that she will not be able to put forth her best effort, and, although she may disappoint herself and others, at least no one will expect perfection from her, including herself.

       At one time or another we are all guilty of avoiding or putting off something that needs to be done.  We get stressed, feel guilty, maybe even create a crisis.  For most people, however, procrastination does not impede normal functioning ability.  In the end, we tackle the task and get it done. 

       Any of the following can be used as set up statements by an otherwise emotionally healthy person with some procrastination issues.


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