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We All Have The Same Issues. Only The Details Are Different.

In a way, this is a Declaration of Freedom that dramatically

reduces an infinite list of problems down to a few.

This is a REALLY BIG ReThink and, because of its enormous implications, you may want to read it several times. It vastly simplifies the human condition, cuts through piles of needless research and allows you to see your so-called "problems" in refreshing new ways.

However, we have been conditioned to think that, in order to achieve our pursuits, we must...

  • Read many How-To books on the topics.

  • Take expensive courses.

  • Attend endless lectures.

  • Get degrees and credentials; become an expert.

While you may be able to gain some useful ideas from the above list, I have yet to see any of them (except for those offered on our website: see TRAINING) properly address the central reason why you may stumble on the way to success, namely...

You Are Still Reacting To The Writing On Your Walls in the Palace of Possibilities.

These, of course, reflect your beliefs (cans, can'ts, shoulds, shouldn'ts, possibles, impossibles, etc.) and other emotional "stoppers" that confine you to "your room" in the Palace of Possibilities. Once this is well-digested, it will then become clear that...

We All Have The Same Issues, Only The Details Are Different.

... and all the books, courses, lectures and so on will have only limited value UNTIL you take care of the stoppers.

Stated differently, we all collect many emotional stoppers as our lives unfold. We carry angers, fears, resentments, guilts, worries, doubts, etc. that are "written on our walls" and limit us everywhere we go. And, until we resolve them (which we can do nicely with EFT & OEFT) they will continue to confine us in our chosen room in the Palace of Palace of Possibilities.

In a way, this is a Declaration of Freedom that dramatically reduces an infinite list of problems down to a few.

These emotional stoppers appear endless because life has handed them to us by the truckloads. But properly understood, while the details and Specific Events may be endless, THE UNDERLYING ISSUES are not. That's an important ReThink and it greatly simplifies our pursuits.

A war veteran, for example, may have many guilts because of his many wartime activities while a female kindergarten teacher may have guilts because she cheated on a test in school or yelled at her children or lied to her neighbor or stole something at age 12... or... or... or. But guilt is guilt, regardless of the details. Likewise, fear is fear, anger is anger and so on. Reduce or eliminate those stoppers and freedom's path opens up to you.

I hope you see the simplification in all of this. It all boils down to resolving our emotional stoppers so all the How-Tos from books, courses, lectures and the like have a free and open path to propel you forward instead of consistently running into the emotional stoppers (writing on your walls).

However, to make the point and expand this ReThink still further, let's explore this idea by applying it to several major human problem areas.

Health: The medical community has spent billions of dollars on research to, hopefully, find cures for the thousands of diseases they have labeled. But, ASTONISHINGLY, they have not identified the CAUSE for hardly any of them. See What REALLY Causes My Disease(s)? for more on this.

But, through ReThinking and some common sense, EFT and OEFT have vastly simplified the healing process by pointing to obvious emotional CAUSES of our diseases. Instead of aiming at pains, malfunctions and other symptoms with drugs, surgeries, radiations and the like, we bring Personal Peace to the system. Properly done, this reduces the emotional turmoil within and allows our immune systems do the job naturally. This is displayed abundantly throughout our website, especially if you are guided by one of our TRAINING options.

As you gain experience with our process, you might note how we use the same process for EVERY disease. This is further simplification and leads to this grand conclusion...

There Is One Natural Remedy For Everything

Thus we dig for the emotional CAUSE(S) (which are relatively few - remember: guilt is guilt, fear is fear, anger is anger, etc.) and aim at those. We pay little or no attention to the thousands of labels that conventional methods may give to our ailments. Similarly, we ignore the countless drugs and other remedies that aim at our various symptoms. Again, we aim at emotional CAUSE(S) and have impressive successes. But, remember, I am not a physician so please consult a doctor wherever you deem necessary.

Performance: Practice, practice, practice. That is the mantra you hear repeatedly in the performance world. It is like the Holy Grail and, as a result, almost every performer, from pianists to ping-pong players, spend hours upon hours (often daily) practicing their craft.

I even preach this to our advanced students who are learning Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist). Indeed, learning to communicate with our Higher Power requires repeated efforts because it is so far out of our everyday experiences and belief systems. But what greater skill could you develop?

However, there comes a point where we reach limits to our abilities, or at least so it seems. When this point is reached it becomes apparent, even intuitive, that our real limits are self-imposed. They are mental or emotional. They involve our beliefs and the writings on our walls in the Palace of Possibilities.

In my younger days, I excelled in athletics. However, I was never the biggest, tallest or strongest guy in the game. Somehow, I learned early that emotional freedom had as much or more to do with my batting average and basketball shots than my raw physical abilities or the amount of my practicing. It was not only a major ReThink but also helped me develop an expanded way of living. Although I cannot prove (or disprove) what I'm about to say, I believe my above average running speed was a direct result of the relative emotional freedom I felt as a child. That freedom has a way of showing up in the fluidity of our bodies.

And, as with the rest of our human pursuits, we all have the same performance stoppers. They are the guilts, angers, fears and other negative emotions that rob us of our Personal Peace. At the core, these are the same for everyone. Only the details are different. Resolve those and watch your performance improve.

Again, EFT and OEFT can be highly effective in collapsing these emotional stoppers. In this pursuit, I recommend starting with our Near-Free Advanced Online Training. Its minimal price tag will provide the skills necessary to locate these stoppers and systematically fade them into non-existence.

Money & Business: If you gathered together all the books that were ever written on this topic, they would fill a building at least 10 times the size of the average home in the U.S. And the vast majority of those would be How-To books: How to sell. How to advertise and promote. How to find customers. How to budget your finances. How to minimize taxes. How to manage employees... and every other How-To you can think of.

Very few, if any, focus on minimizing the emotional stoppers (the writings on your walls) that, once again, confine you to your chosen room in the Palace of Possibilities. These stoppers can occupy your self-talk in many ways and are but echoes from the beliefs of your parents, teachers, coaches, peers, as well as movies, TV, radio, books and the like. Here are but a few examples from a gigantic list of possible stoppers. Do any of them apply to you?

  • I don't deserve to be wealthy.

  • Only greedy people get rich.

  • I would have to work too hard.

  • If I get rich, I will lose friends.

  • If I get rich, my mother, father, brother, family, etc. won't love me any more.

  • If I get rich, I will lose my identity.

  • If I get rich, I will have more responsibilities for employees, etc.

  • If I get rich, people will want to borrow money from me.

  • It's not spiritual to get rich. God will no longer love me.

  • If I get rich, it may be only temporary and people will laugh at me when I fail.

And behind all those stoppers are the same issues as for so many other topics, namely... guilt, fear, anger, worry, doubt, etc. Once again...

We all have the same issues, only the details are different.

Further, you can master all the How-To books on earth but UNTIL you have set yourself free from those emotional stoppers, your residence in that limited financial room will continue.

And that's expensive... VERY expensive.

e-Hugs, Gary

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