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What REALLY Causes My Disease(s)?

This is astonishing.

Our brightest medical minds and the most prestigious universities throughout the world have had the advantage of b'zillions of dollars spent in research and,...

They Still Don’t Know The True Cause Of Our Diseases.

A Common Sense ReThink: Yet, as you will see later in this article, a major cause for just about every human disease you can name is right in front of the medical community (and you). Further, the countless physicians I have spoken to about this ReThink agree with it. Why? Because it is glaringly obvious. It is common sense but medical schools don't teach it. Thus the vast majority of our doctors, brilliant as they may be, don't know what to do about it.

Like I said above, "This is astonishing."

However, we do know what to do about it and this website is loaded with undeniable evidence about this claim. And, in this article, I will point you right to it. Further, you don't need a medical degree to master it. You need only read and practice it.


Note To Physicians: I have the greatest admiration for the dedication and hardships you have endured to become a physician. My puzzlement is about the medical system, not you. Accordingly, I invite you to contact me to debate ANYTHING in this article with which you disagree. We can do it publicly or in private. This invitation has been offered since 2014 and, to date, no one has ever responded.


Perhaps, after absorbing this article, you will agree with me that medical schools should require their students to master our gentle Near-Free Advanced Online Training BEFORE they introduce drugs, surgeries and other invasive methods. In my opinion, this would reduce medical costs by 50-80% and avoid a whopping amount of unwanted side effects.

To start, let's look at the conventional CAUSES of our diseases: Out of curiosity, I spent two hours one morning looking for the conventional causes of our various ailments on WebMD.com, one of the largest, and considered more authoritative, medical websites currently available. I could find nothing resembling a true cause for any disease. In fact...

The Inability To Understand

True Cause Is Readily Admitted.

Below are a few quotes representing the multitudes of open admissions in this regard. Note that there are some guesses and possible tendencies that are offered. But true causes are non-existent.

Multiple Sclerosis: “Doctors still don’t understand what causes multiple sclerosis, but there are interesting data that suggest that genetics, a person’s environment, and possibly even a virus may play a role.”

Migraine Headaches: “Experts aren’t sure what causes migraines. They run in families, and experts have found a genetic link. But it isn’t clear why some people get migraines and others don’t.”

Asthma: “No one really knows what causes asthma. What we do know is that asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways.”

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: “The exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) isn’t known. But health experts believe that faulty communication between the brain and the intestinal tract is one cause of symptoms.”

Rheumatoid Arthritis: “Doctors don’t know exactly what causes Rheumatoid Arthritis. It may be a combination of genes and environment. Some researchers think an infection with a bacteria or virus can trigger the disease in some people, but so far, they don’t know what virus or other organism does that.”

Scoliosis: “In most cases, the cause of scoliosis is not known. This is called idiopathic scoliosis. It develops mostly in children and teens and appears to be related to several things, including genetics, as it often runs in families.”

Sjogren’s Disease: “Doctors don’t know the exact cause. You may have genes that put you at risk. An infection with a bacteria or virus may be a trigger that sets the disease in motion.”

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: “No one knows exactly what causes ADHD, but certain things are known to play a role.”

Dyslexia: “The cause of dyslexia is not clear, although it is probably an inherited (genetic) disorder because it runs in families. Some studies have shown that people with dyslexia have abnormalities in the functioning of the areas of the brain involved in reading and language.”

Anxiety: “The exact cause of anxiety disorders is unknown, but anxiety disorders — like other forms of mental illness — are not the result of personal weakness, a character flaw, or poor upbringing. As scientists continue their research on mental illness, it is becoming clear that many of these disorders are caused by a combination of factors, including changes in the brain and environmental stress.

Panic Disorder: "The exact cause of panic disorder isn’t clear. It is thought that it may be caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain (neurotransmitters). It also may be passed down through families (genetic).”

Phobias: “The cause of phobias is unknown. If you have a family member with a phobia, you are more likely to have a phobia.”

Endometriosis: “The exact cause of endometriosis is not known.”

Leukemia: “Experts don’t know what causes leukemia. But some things can increase the risk of some kinds of leukemia.”

Bipolar Disorder: “Doctors don’t completely understand the causes of bipolar disorder. But they’ve gained a greater understanding in re- cent years of the bipolar spectrum, which includes the elated highs of mania to the lows of major depression, along with various mood states between these two extremes.”

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: “Doctors don’t know what causes chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). For many people, CFS symptoms start after a viral illness. In some cases, CFS seems to follow a major physical or emotional trauma or an exposure to toxins. But there is no single known cause of CFS.”

Eczema: “Doctors don’t know exactly what causes eczema. The most common type of eczema — atopic dermatitis — resembles an allergy. But the skin irritation, which is more often seen in children rather than adults, is not an allergic reaction.”

This is a disappointing display and, regrettably, it only represents around one percent of the complete list. Thus, despite massive amounts of research money spent trying to find cures, our dedicated doctors have yet to be given a true cause for the vast majority of our diseases. Yet we rely on those physicians and, while we sometimes have success, we are all too often subject to unnecessary surgeries, misdiagnoses and side effects from prescribed medications. What better evidence could we have that medical researchers are aiming at the wrong target? They are looking for causes where they don’t exist. It’s like mining for gold in your bathtub. It’s not there.

Try this for your own ailment(s). Go to WebMD.com, or any other respected medical website, and look for the true causes. If you can find one, let me know. However, in your search, please don’t accept as true cause definitions such as, “There appears to be a genetic tendency…” or “Those with Diabetes are more likely to suffer this disease…” or “Risk factors include…” These tendencies, second hand influences and risk factors are not causes. They merely help doctors form educated guesses with which they try to explain what is happening.

True Cause = Negative Emotions

Read the next italicized paragraphs carefully. Chances are you know intuitively that they are true but, if you have any doubt, read it to all your physician friends to verify its truth. Again, I've discussed it with countless doctors and ALL OF THEM have agreed.


When we are engaged in negative emotions such as anger, worry, doubt, guilt, grief, resentment, fear and the like... even if they are "beneath the surface" or subconscious... our systems produce a literal CASCADE of "negative chemistry" (my term) throughout the body. I mean adrenalin and cortisol go out of balance and hundreds of chemical equations and repair mechanisms become seriously compromised. The immune system, of course, is immediately diverted into action to deal with this chemical barrage. Otherwise, you would be in trouble.

Unfortunately, we collect these negative emotions over our lifetimes and, if they go unresolved, they seethe under the surface and consistently steal resources from our immune systems. And, sooner or later, our immune systems become seriously compromised and can no longer insulate us from diseases.


Thus negative emotional chemistry soaks up our healing vitality and directs us through the doorway to disease. I've seen this almost daily since first introducing Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping) to the public in 1995. Properly done, our methods bring personal peace to our negative emotions and removes a central CAUSE for our diseases. As a result, the symptoms subside.

What About Diet And Lifestyle?: WebMD.com, as well as the other large medical websites, also rarely mention diet and lifestyle as causes for disease. Obviously, if we use tobacco, alcohol and recreational drugs, our bodies will eventually pay the price. Same with sugar, pesticides and genetic modifications to our foods and drinks. Further, the side effects from pharmaceuticals can cause everything from diarrhea to death.

Interestingly, as we reduce our negative emotions and thus enhance our personal peace, our diets and lifestyle choices tend to improve. I have witnessed this (and personally experienced it) for decades.

Properly understood, what I have said so far should turn the whole conventional healing field upside down. Why should we have to perpetually chase SYMPTOMS with endless (and expensive) drugs, surgeries, radiations, etc. when we can often avoid them or minimize their use by addressing emotional CAUSES with these non-invasive methods?

Want Proof?: While there are many positive research studies reported on EFT Tapping, the ultimate proof is whether or not it works in practice. So I compiled 3,000 articles that were voluntarily written by your peers and that give you a realistic look at EFT's wide healing reach. See for yourself by going to the top of any page in our website and, in the SEARCH bar, put in terms such as PAIN, ANGER, ANXIETY etc. and you will many articles on that topic. Spend quality time with them and ask yourself (and your doctor(s), "Look at these results. Why not try these non-invasive methods BEFORE resorting to more drastic measures?"

By the way, some of these 3,000 articles were all done prior to 2010 and BEFORE the emergence of our newer advancements, namely, Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist) and the techniques contained here in the Palace of Possibilities. For even more stunning results, please visit our "Impossible" Healings and explore our Near-Free Advanced Online Training.

Our Prolific Pharmacy: It has long been acknowledged in medical circles that the human brain contains the most prolific pharmacy on the planet. This "internal doctor" knows precisely what chemicals (drugs) are necessary to bring healing to our ailments and, if left free to do its job, outside drugs and other invasive methods may not be necessary. One might even argue that they can interfere with true healing.

The Prison: Our negative emotions, however, can burden our natural pharmacy and convert our room in The Palace of Possibilities into a prison where our pharmacies within can no longer do its job. If, however, we use our approaches to dramatically reduce the negative writing on our walls, the resulting peace gradually eases open the prison door and frees our natural pharmacy to take care of business.

I know this is a simple idea and some may quarrel with my simplified portrayal. However, the idea is sound and the results speak for themselves. This is not to say you should abandon the medical model and/or ignore your doctor(s).

Indeed not.

It is, however, to suggest that, where feasible, you work with your doctor(s) to give this non-invasive approach a try BEFORE resorting to non-natural, invasive methods.

Gabrielle Rutten, MD and I discuss the importance of this in the video below.


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e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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