Question: I am trying to release weight and I know for a fact that EFT will help because it has helped with so many other things in life. What EFT technique do you recommend is best for weight loss? Out of the 48 which ones get the best or strongest results? Please be honest and not cryptic!!

Answer: Thanks for your note.
Please know that, while EFT can indeed help you with weight loss, there is no specialized EFT Technique for it. Nor are there 48 techniques. I can only assume you got these ideas from someone else's not-so-accurate version of EFT (there are hundreds of them on the internet).
It isn't a given "EFT Technique" that would be useful here. Rather, it is the ability to locate and aim EFT (properly done) at the true CAUSE of your overweight. The various "EFT Techniques" out there tend to aim at symptoms and that, typically, gives temporary or partial results. Aiming at CAUSE opens the door to permanency.
This CAUSE often revolves around past traumatic incidents, limiting beliefs, and other emotional issues the resolution for which must be customized to you. These contributors, apparently, have not been adequately addressed with your current understanding of EFT.
That's easily corrected.
Check out the links below for up-to-date approaches.
e-hugs, Gary