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When It Doesn't Seem To Work

"Gee, Gary," some students say, "I see where others get impressive benefits on my issue, but I am going nowhere... maybe it doesn't work for me."

I doubt that.

But, If this reflects your experience, let's get behind it and take a look at the various possibilities and solutions. We will start with the most likely one, namely...

1. You Are Using A Beginner's Version Of Our Process For An Advanced Issue: Although some impressive things can be done with just the basics, some issues take more training and understanding. That's why I have priced our Near-Free Advanced Online Training so low that anyone can afford it. If you haven't already done so, please sign up for it and follow the directions well. This is likely where your solution lies.

2. You Need Help With The Directions: This is similar to the first one above. It boils down to using an inadequate version of our process. This is not a criticism because most people, including me, are dealing with a competing "disease" that I call "hurry-up-itis" (smile). We tend to want our results NOW (if not yesterday) and thus speed through (or ignore) the directions.

That won't work here.

Remember, the Palace of Possibilities is loaded with wall-to-wall ReThinks that often conflict with the existing Writing On Your Walls (see My Consistent Thoughts Become My Reality). Thus, for best results, these ReThinks usually need to be digested and practiced rather than hastily thrown at an issue with the hope that they will magically produce instant results. Interestingly, even though doing this method hastily can sometimes create impressive benefits, it is an illusion to think our process always works this way. Best, in the long run, to learn and apply it properly.

As I hope you have learned by now, our centerpiece tool for both EFT Tapping and Optimal EFT (OEFT - The Unseen Therapist) is to neutralize the stings from the emotionally charged Specific Events from our pasts. See Our Central Goal: Personal Peace. Doing so leads us into a Joyful Journey where the hurts and limits from our past no longer replay in current time. From that freedom, new possibilities emerge.

So let's look at some of the Specific Events criteria that you may have missed. Again, what follows comes from our Near-Free Advanced Online Training and assumes you have followed directions diligently. Also, all of the below items are profusely demonstrated in the Self-Help Video Sessions that are part of that advanced training.

  • Most Specific Events have additional aspects and/or related events attached to them. They frequently show up during our Personal Peace Procedure and are detailed in Advanced Lessons #3 and #4. A thorough understanding of these ReThinks is essential for best results.

  • We never want to be fooled by a temporary result. That's why testing your work is so important. This is covered in detail in Advanced Lesson #12.

  • The further back in time you go, the more foundational the Specific Event is likely to be. Thus an event that happened last week is probably "bouncing off" of an unresolved event from childhood. Accordingly, it is often best to clean out the earlier Specific Events first. That will often kick the center out of the recent one. This ReThink is common sense but, nonetheless, surprising to most.

  • If you can't remember, or have repressed, your childhood Specific Events, you can "make them up" with good results. This is a seemingly strange, but highly effective, ReThink that is covered in Advanced Lesson #20.

3. You Don't Want To Address The Specific Event: Sometimes an event is so fearful, intense or guilt-ridden that you don't want to even look at it. So, being human, you leave it until last or ignore it altogether. Such events, of course, are robbing you of your freedom and are likely causing those issues that seemingly don't budge with this process. It's not that the process doesn't work. Rather, it may be that you are not working the process.

Our Tearless Trauma Technique is designed for this purpose. It has a way of gently "sneaking up on the problem" so that emotional pain is minimized. You will find instructions for this in Advanced Lesson #11.

4. You May Be Getting Solid Results Elsewhere But Not Noticing Them: This happens a lot. As you address your various Specific Events, even if you don't do it well or are ignoring important events, you are often getting benefits in other areas that go unnoticed. For example...

  • Have any of your physical symptoms improved (pains, discomforts, vision, hearing, breathing, headaches, blood pressure, pulse, etc.)?

  • Do you get less triggered by others (traffic, your boss or co-workers, your children's behavior, that irritating Uncle Charlie, etc.)?

  • Do you sing more, laugh more, choose different movies or TV programs, have more energy, etc.?

There are more possibilities for your unnoticed improvements, of course, but the above should get you started.

In addition, there is another "human nature feature" that affects almost all of us, namely...

We tend to focus on what's not done yet.

Thus we can experience many impressive benefits but ignore them because issue X still seems to be there. It has our attention and, until it subsides, we may conclude that the process "doesn't work" or "doesn't work for me."

That's why I am writing this article. The process almost certainly works for you, but requires ReThinking and practice on your part.


5. You May Not Be Ready For The Benefit: Fortunately, this is NOT the front running cause of "it doesn't work for me." Nonetheless, when present, it represents a very powerful form of "resistance" that comes from a powerful you (or a belief you carry). You can stop, whether you are aware of it or not, any improvements whatsoever.

Here are some of the "stoppers" I have seen over time...

  • l don't deserve to heal or improve.

  • It's not possible to heal or improve.

  • It's not safe to heal or improve.

  • My very identity is tied up in this issue. Who will I be without it?

There are more examples, of course, because human beings can be endlessly creative with the beliefs they adopt over the years. They are experts at limiting themselves.

The solution: Sign up for my Free Support and you will get notices and reminders that are designed to not only erode these resistances but to also resolve all the other "it doesn't work for me" issues above.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of ReThinking in this process. However, it most likely competes with years/decades of your own 24/7 conditioning and thus doesn't always fade immediately. The more you interact with these refreshing ReThinks, the more they settle in and ease you through the Palace of Possibilities. A frequent, or daily, dose of these ReThinks is far better than an occasional visit every other Tuesday.

e-hugs, Gary

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