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Who Is The Unseen Therapist?


Important Beginning Note: This book was first written in 2014 and its concepts remain valid to this date. HOWEVER, it tends to focus on the impressive physical (disease, pain, etc.) results that can come from using our methods to establish Personal Peace within.

It should be emphasized, however, that both EFT Tapping and Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist) can help us achieve impressive results not only in our physical health, but also in relationships, money, business, and performance areas (sports, speaking, singing, etc.) as well. As each of us enters our own Palace Of Possibilities, incorporating the Power of The Unseen Therapist into our process on an ever deeper basis, we are able to establish a peace of mind which in turn can bring even more remarkable outcomes, often reaching far beyond typical expectations.

Thus, while reading this book, please be aware of the expanded kaleidoscope of its uses.


The Unseen Therapist is your “spiritual healer within.”

She is ever-present and, when you learn to use Her skills properly, you will find She is vastly more powerful than drugs, surgeries and other man-made attempts at healing. She represents a healing revolution that leaves your current beliefs behind and whisks you off on a magic carpet ride into your personal Palace of Possibilities.

The Ultimate Remedy: This is where the impossible becomes routine. It is where your ultimate remedy resides and, once mastered, it is also where your view of the entire healing field will shift. Your need for drugs and surgeries will be minimized or erased. Side effects will fade into near nothingness and heavy expenses will be dramatically curtailed. In their place will emerge creative possibilities that will bring new levels of healing into your hands.

If you are a patient, you can draw on The Unseen Therapist for self-help. If you are a doctor, nurse, therapist or other practitioner, you can use Her abundant support before resorting to invasive procedures and their side-effects.

To do Her work She needs your readiness and proper invitation.

A Doable Process: Within these pages, you will learn how to develop that readiness and provide that invitation. Doing so involves a very doable process that can generate impressive benefits even while you are learning. You may go as far as you wish and are limited only by your motivation.

Once mastered to the ultimate degree, you will hold a power that can deliver benefits for every ailment and human achievement imaginable. This includes everything from a common headache — to every conceivable emotional issue — to your sales quota -- to your golf score -=- to the apparently hopeless diseases for which conventional methods often fail.

Includes Your Issues: And, yes, that includes your Issues, even if they are considered exotic, rare or impossible. In the next chapter are a few examples from my students. Many more to follow later.

e-hugs, Gary

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